The Omniverse Halloween Pumpkin

ZBrush screenshot

ZBrush screenshot

ZBrush screenshot

ZBrush screenshot

ZBrush screenshot

ZBrush screenshot

ZBrush screenshot

ZBrush screenshot

Subtance painter screenshot

Subtance painter screenshot

Subtance painter screenshot

Subtance painter screenshot

Omniverse Create screenshot :test lighting

Omniverse Create screenshot :test lighting

Omniverse Create screenshot :test lighting

Omniverse Create screenshot :test lighting

Omniverse Create screenshot :test lighting

Omniverse Create screenshot :test lighting

Omniverse Create screenshot :test lighting

Omniverse Create screenshot :test lighting



It said:I casually say you casually listen, under the light rain in the shed. Probably do not want to see too many things in the human world, so I prefer to listen to the ghost singing in the autumn night.

It said:I casually say you casually listen, under the light rain in the shed. Probably do not want to see too many things in the human world, so I prefer to listen to the ghost singing in the autumn night.

The Omniverse Halloween Pumpkin

I made this animation and images using ZBrush,Substance 3D painter and our NVIDIA Omniverse Create with RTX4090.
Hope you guys like it.:P